Recent posts: Touchdown In Hizzytown
Procs – Touchdown In Hizzytown
30 March 2014 MadeInRealtime

Seven years ago many psychedelic minded people heard of Procs for the first time. Mikael Stegman delivered us the album “Stuck In The Oven With Me”, an interesting combination of dark psytrance and strange soundscapes with a sense of peculiar humor. It had some weak moments, but nonetheless a unique sound was born. Its successor “The Lonely Land Of Tada” gave us a perfected sound with beautiful jazzy influences. Many psychonauts spoke of an instant classic. Now the expectations are high; after four years of crafting his sound we sit back, relax, push play and embark on our journey together with our Swedish friend.
The album starts off with an intro that sounds as if Mikael treats us to a psychedelic soup. But then the rollercoaster takes off, with a worn-out wooden cart into a decayed Disneyland that is taken over by eerie creatures. A strange but beautiful place. In the same amusement park we also end up in the haunted house during “Hizzy In The Dead”. But before we get to that we first visit a curious jazz club during “Charlestoned In Dixieland”, where creatures of the dark play wicked jazzy tunes. This is how Procs brings us to a different place with every new passage. I could keep on writing about all the places that I visited, but that would only influence your trip while listening to “Touchdown In Hizzytown”. And everyone has to make their own trip. I for one am curious where you will all end up.
There is not much to criticize, especially for those who like their music to be PSYCHEDELIC with capitals. If you like forest tunes or just psychedelic music in general and if you are open minded with a lot of imagination, then this is your album of the year. I am going out to buy some copies now. My best friends already know what they will be getting this year for Christmas: psychedelic candy!
Online shops :
Lost Theory Records
Saiko Sounds (Dead link)
External links :
Review by Kristof van Acker (