Recent posts: MadeInRealtime

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Gojja – Eggshell Marmalade

30 May 2014

Dear music freaks, party heads and cosmonauts,

We’re excited to announce that our website has been completely restyled and updated. One of the new additions is the integration of a webshop. So from now on, you can buy all our releases directly from us. Digital downloads will follow soon!

Monday, the 2nd of June we have another surprise in our sleeve..
The GOJJA album “Eggshell Marmalade” will be available and immediately ready to be shipped out.
Keep in mind it’s a limited edition and only available through the Sanaton website and our website :

Good news for the Belgian crowd! They have the privilege to buy the album tomorrow on the Masala vs Lost Theory Records party near Ghent.

Exciting times… Have a great weekend!

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V/A Forest Frequencies

19 May 2014

V/A Forest Frequencies

Lost Theory Records from Belgium gives us in the summer of 2009 their own contribution to the Forest Frequencies out there by releasing their debut with acts ready to distort your mind and twist your imagination all around and throughout your blinking chakras. Lost Theory has set them self out to bring you their view on today’s psychedelic swamp music, and it smells and looks nice. Represented by well established artists as well as upcoming talents, Lost Theory is giving the world a strange tale from the forests that they themselves have experienced and loved. The Lost Theory crew compiled this debut album keeping the muddy dance floor experiences in mind where they start out with deep and confused forest sounds with groovy basslines and colorful soundscapes to twist your tits, and manages to evolve the sound into hi-tech psychedelics to give the story a proper ending. Best of all, the fusion works perfect and it feels like it was meant to be.


Recommendation: So, in an enchanted forest of colorful imagination and stellar confusion, the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area are swaying over your nut to delightfully spin you around and feel the fresh breeze of swamp-infected beats to the higher technology of modern time sound pools. The mood is quirky and it’s mysterious as to reflect the vivid imagination a dusked to dawned forest can imply on your delirious mind. This lost theory from across the green planet is about tentative explanations of some aspect of the forest world where you easily can lose the bearings of one’s confused time, place and personal identity. It’s an organized chaotic system of accepted and unknown knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to imagine a specific set of a demented phenomenon, which seems to live inside us all.


The Forest Frequencies by Lost Theory is basically the ratio of the number of observations in a confused yet connected category to the total number of ten magical artists being observed while they play their mental delusions upon your effected membrane that woggles along a forest trail of swamps and technology. It’s a beautiful and mental journey and you should check it out if this is your style of forest groove. Recommended!


Favorite Tracks: 1, 3, 6, 8, 10


Review by Psytones

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Procs – Touchdown In Hizzytown

30 March 2014

Procs – Touchdown In Hizzytown

Seven years ago many psychedelic minded people heard of Procs for the first time. Mikael Stegman delivered us the album “Stuck In The Oven With Me”, an interesting combination of dark psytrance and strange soundscapes with a sense of peculiar humor. It had some weak moments, but nonetheless a unique sound was born. Its successor “The Lonely Land Of Tada” gave us a perfected sound with beautiful jazzy influences. Many psychonauts spoke of an instant classic. Now the expectations are high; after four years of crafting his sound we sit back, relax, push play and embark on our journey together with our Swedish friend.

The album starts off with an intro that sounds as if Mikael treats us to a psychedelic soup. But then the rollercoaster takes off, with a worn-out wooden cart into a decayed Disneyland that is taken over by eerie creatures. A strange but beautiful place. In the same amusement park we also end up in the haunted house during “Hizzy In The Dead”. But before we get to that we first visit a curious jazz club during “Charlestoned In Dixieland”, where creatures of the dark play wicked jazzy tunes. This is how Procs brings us to a different place with every new passage. I could keep on writing about all the places that I visited, but that would only influence your trip while listening to “Touchdown In Hizzytown”. And everyone has to make their own trip. I for one am curious where you will all end up.

There is not much to criticize, especially for those who like their music to be PSYCHEDELIC with capitals. If you like forest tunes or just psychedelic music in general and if you are open minded with a lot of imagination, then this is your album of the year. I am going out to buy some copies now. My best friends already know what they will be getting this year for Christmas: psychedelic candy!


Online shops :

Lost Theory Records

Saiko Sounds (Dead link)


External links :


Review by Kristof van Acker (

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